Wow I love this Liz!

My fav parts:

- When we “call it good” we are not saying that what we’ve made has fibers of moral good or not (yet) — we are stating that us engaging with the process and responding to the call to make something is, in fact, a moral good.

- The human heart jumps to judging the possibility of a thing. Asking if a creative idea is a good one or not is not a helpful question. We haven’t even explored the idea.

Thanks for writing down your thoughts, some things really put in words ideas I've had or come across :)

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Thanks Frances!! :) You should listen to Helena Sorenson's episode on Call it Good. A lot of these thoughts came from thoughts she had – especially about understanding the tendency of the human heart to stifle creative ideas.

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Love reading your thoughts.

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thank you for reading them 😊

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